Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Day 6 - Maya Payne Smart's article

I really liked the idea of educating students to be creators rather than consumers and that the goal is not podcasting but communicating. As mentioned in the article, I think the students need to learn skills such as the ability to present their ideas orally and this is what we usually miss in L2 classes. In French Immersion program, the students often don't have enough time to practice and improve their speaking skills. however, when it comes to oral presentations, the students are fricked out and don't feel confident enough to speak spontaneously in front of the class. Podcasting is an excellent opportunity for the students to practice different skills, including speaking, presenting and the use of technology. Moreover, as mentioned in the article, it is an opportunity for listening to themselves. I'm not familiar with this activity and I'd really like to know more about it and learn how to manage this activity in my class.
I think Bookr is perfect for new units in FSL and presenting new vocab. I would ask students to create their own Bookr with new images and vocabs related to that unit. Voici une présentation à notre nouvelle unité.

les vetements

les vetements

Quilted bag
$290 - debenhams.com

$12 - bijou-brigitte.com


I would use YOUBLISHER in my class. I found it super interesting. It is a wonderful way to interest students in writing activities , because it connects them with technology and helps them make their writing fancy. Le taxage

Day 5 - online translator

I think all language teachers have been dealing with this problem and almost all the L2 learners at some point tend to use an online translator to do their job!

I liked the examples that Charlene Polio has provided in his article. Interestingly, most of the time, the translations by online translators turn to  comic sentences in the traget language and it is easy for the teacher to recognize who has done the job!

It is mentioned in the article that teacher should use this as a teachable moment. I'm not sure if this rule can be applied to any situation in class, for example for projects and assignments that are counted for mark. As a language teacher, I would prefer a short simple sentence written by the student to a complicated and sophisticated sentence written by an online translator. The students should learn that they can use these tools when practicing, not for final assignments and also they should know that these tools are not always reliable. 

Sunday, 29 July 2012

Day 4- Tennant's article "Reading matters"

As usual, I refer to myself as a L2 and L3 learner. When I first read the question: "Does reading in a foreign language differ from L1 reading?" I answered "yes", while the author expected everyone to answer "no". To me, reading in my first language is much faster and easier, just because reading process is similar to speaking, therefore, it is more difficult for a L2 reader.

The activities mentioned by the author are quite relevant and interesting. What I would add to those skills would be some text with images and teach the students how to make inferences and guess the context by looking at and analysing images.
Another convenient skill would be the ability to recognize the keywords, and to ignore the words that don't play a huge role in underestanding the whole message of a text, such as some adverbs.

Another focus that has been ignored in the text, is practicing. I think the most useful component in learning any skill in learning a language is practicing. The more the students read in a new language, the faster they will read in that language.

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Musique dans ma classe

Here is a song that I chose for FSL students, to introduce the 'er' regular verbs infinitif and present. I found it useful, because the sentences of the lyrics are short and easy to repeat.

La Compagnie Créole

Au bal au bal masqué ohé ohé
Elle danse elle danse elle danse au bal masqué
Elle ne peut pas s'arrêter ohé ohé
De danser danser danser au bal masqué
Au bal au bal masque oh oh ohé
Au bal au bal au bal au bal masqué
Elle ne peut pas s'arrêter oh oh ohé
De danser danser danser danser

Pendant toute l'année on prépare les costumes (Dracula Casanova)
C'est un vrai plaisir de respecter les coutumes (Cendrillon Napoléon)
Aujourd'hui je fais ce qui me plaît me plaît
Deviner deviner deviner qui je suis
Derrière mon loup je fais ce qui me plaît me plaît
Aujourd'hui tout est permis
Aujourd'hui tout est permis

Au bal au bal masqué ohé ohé
Elle danse elle danse elle danse au bal masqué
Elle ne peut pas s'arrêter ohé ohé
De danser danser danser danser

C'est l'occasion rêvé de changer de partenaire (Superman Spiderman)
On peut s'envoler en gardant les pieds sur terre (Josephine Colombine)
Aujourd'hui j'embrasse qui je veux je veux
Deviner deviner deviner qui je suis
Derrière mon loup j'embrasse qui je veux je veux
Aujourd'hui tout est permis
Aujourd'hui tout est permis

Au bal au bal masqué ohé ohé
Au bal au bal au bal au bal masqué
Elle ne peut pas s'arrêter ohé ohé
De danser danser danser danser

Joséphine Dracula D'Artagnan Cendrillon Jules César
Arlequin Superman Colombine

Aujourd'hui je fais ce qui me plaît me plaît
Deviner deviner deviner qui je suis
Derrière mon loup je fais ce qui me plaît me plaît
Aujourd'hui tout est permis
Aujourd'hui tout est permis

Au bal au bal masqué ohé ohé
Elle danse elle danse elle danse au bal masqué
Elle ne peut pas s'arrêter ohé ohé
De danser danser danser danser
Au bal au bal masqué

Au bal au bal masqué ohé ohé
Au bal au bal au bal au bal masqué
Elle ne peut pas s'arrêter ohé ohé
De danser danser danser danser

Joséphine Dracula D'Artagnan Cendrillon Jules César
Arlequin Superman Colombine Napoléon Décacine Casanova
Marie Line

Aujourd'hui j'embrasse qui je veux je veux
Deviner deviner deviner qui je suis
Derrière mon loup j'embrasse qui je veux je veux
Aujourd'hui tout est permis
Aujourd'hui tout est permis

Au bal au bal masqué ohé ohé
Elle danse elle danse elle danse au bal masqué
Elle ne peut pas s'arrêter ohé ohé
De danser danser danser danser
Au bal au bal masqué

Au bal au bal masqué ohé ohé
Au bal au bal au bal au bal masqué
Elle ne peut pas s'arrêter ohé ohé
De danser danser danser danser

screencast-o-matic - Xtranormal

Here is a video that explains how to use animation to tell a story at Xtranormal.com La Compagnie Créole AU BAL MASQUÉ Au bal au bal masqué ohé ohé Elle danse elle danse elle danse au bal masqué Elle ne peut pas s'arrêter ohé ohé De danser danser danser au bal masqué Au bal au bal masque oh oh ohé Au bal au bal au bal au bal masqué Elle ne peut pas s'arrêter oh oh ohé De danser danser danser danser Pendant toute l'année on prépare les costumes (Dracula Casanova) C'est un vrai plaisir de respecter les coutumes (Cendrillon Napoléon) Aujourd'hui je fais ce qui me plaît me plaît Deviner deviner deviner qui je suis Derrière mon loup je fais ce qui me plaît me plaît Aujourd'hui tout est permis Aujourd'hui tout est permis Au bal au bal masqué ohé ohé Elle danse elle danse elle danse au bal masqué Elle ne peut pas s'arrêter ohé ohé De danser danser danser danser C'est l'occasion rêvé de changer de partenaire (Superman Spiderman) On peut s'envoler en gardant les pieds sur terre (Josephine Colombine) Aujourd'hui j'embrasse qui je veux je veux Deviner deviner deviner qui je suis Derrière mon loup j'embrasse qui je veux je veux Aujourd'hui tout est permis Aujourd'hui tout est permis Au bal au bal masqué ohé ohé Au bal au bal au bal au bal masqué Elle ne peut pas s'arrêter ohé ohé De danser danser danser danser Joséphine Dracula D'Artagnan Cendrillon Jules César Arlequin Superman Colombine Aujourd'hui je fais ce qui me plaît me plaît Deviner deviner deviner qui je suis Derrière mon loup je fais ce qui me plaît me plaît Aujourd'hui tout est permis Aujourd'hui tout est permis Au bal au bal masqué ohé ohé Elle danse elle danse elle danse au bal masqué Elle ne peut pas s'arrêter ohé ohé De danser danser danser danser Au bal au bal masqué Au bal au bal masqué ohé ohé Au bal au bal au bal au bal masqué Elle ne peut pas s'arrêter ohé ohé De danser danser danser danser Joséphine Dracula D'Artagnan Cendrillon Jules César Arlequin Superman Colombine Napoléon Décacine Casanova Marie Line Aujourd'hui j'embrasse qui je veux je veux Deviner deviner deviner qui je suis Derrière mon loup j'embrasse qui je veux je veux Aujourd'hui tout est permis Aujourd'hui tout est permis Au bal au bal masqué ohé ohé Elle danse elle danse elle danse au bal masqué Elle ne peut pas s'arrêter ohé ohé De danser danser danser danser Au bal au bal masqué Au bal au bal masqué ohé ohé Au bal au bal au bal au bal masqué Elle ne peut pas s'arrêter ohé ohé De danser danser danser danser

Day 3 - Tamolin's article

I found this article very interesting, in that language and culture are extremely interconnected. Culture without language, or language without culture can't survive. This is why in order to teach a language, we should not/can not ignore the culture that is married to that language. Of course, this gets difficult when you are dealing with a language that involves different cultures. As the article mentions, for example, should we ignore canadian or scotish culture in an English classroom? or could we ignore quebecois culture in a French classroom? interestingly, today, Arnaud, Katie and I were talking about cultural differences within the same language speakers. For instance, Arnaud said how his mom has been shocked by French speakers who started to talk to her and called her right away "tu", here in Vancouver. Here, In French Immersion classrooms, the students and almost all the teachers, "tutoient" all the time. The students either are not aware of when and how to "vouvoyer" or since they have not been taught, they prefer to use "tu" because it is easier. Therefore, I think that some cultural aspects of a language should be really taken into consideration in Curriculum and Material, whereas some other aspects may not be as important.

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Day 2- Canning's article

When I was reading the article, I remembered myself learning English, when I was in Middle school. At that time, in our education system, we had only books, and nothing else. Since I was really interested in languages, I started to learn Enlish by myself, using a method that included listening and a picture book. The introduction explained that in this method you learn English as you have learnt your first language. I really enjoyed it better than what I was taught in class. I think in learning a Foreign Language, every additional aid is helpful, as long as it is well chosen and organised , as explains Canning. Just like the hot sauce as a seasoning that Gordon mentioned in class the other day. Imagine how a 1 year old kid learns her mothern tongue; we start by pointing to objects or people and just name it, the kid starts to repeat it. I think the use of video is the same, it is super interesting and helful for F/SL learners, if it is convenient for their level of their target language, and also if it is interesting for them. The problem for me as a French teacher is how and where to find those videos?

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

exercice d'introduction Audioboo

Voici un petit exemple d'introduction de moi-meme. Vous allez faire la meme chose pour notre cours de demain:

listening exercise

Here is a listening exercise for our today's class:

Day 1 - Comment on Cecilia Aponte-De-Hanna's article

As a L2 and L3 learner, I found the article interesting, in that after almost 20 years that I have been learning, practicing and improving my French and English, the most challenging skill for me has been the "listening" skill.

When six years ago I took the IB TOEFL exam, surprisingly my lowest mark was the listening part. After having read this article, I'm wondering whether this weakness is related to the lack of enough practice or the lack of knowledge about strategies.

I liked the idea of knowing the students' level of awarness of strategies and help them to learn the other strategies they haven't learn't yet. However, I would like to have a very concret example of each case, that I could use in my own classroom.

I also liked how the author considers different L2 learners' level and the adaptation required for each student, but again, I would like to know how I could incorporate these theories into practice.

To conclude, based on my experience as an L2 learner and as an FSL and French Immersion student-teacher, Listening skill is usually not taken into consideration as seriously as the other skills and it is important for a L2 language  teacher to learn the strategies that improve listening and teach them to his/her students.

Monday, 23 July 2012


I am a B.Ed. student at UBC enrolled in Gordon Powell's LLED 480D Language and Technology class.