Wednesday 25 July 2012

Day 2- Canning's article

When I was reading the article, I remembered myself learning English, when I was in Middle school. At that time, in our education system, we had only books, and nothing else. Since I was really interested in languages, I started to learn Enlish by myself, using a method that included listening and a picture book. The introduction explained that in this method you learn English as you have learnt your first language. I really enjoyed it better than what I was taught in class. I think in learning a Foreign Language, every additional aid is helpful, as long as it is well chosen and organised , as explains Canning. Just like the hot sauce as a seasoning that Gordon mentioned in class the other day. Imagine how a 1 year old kid learns her mothern tongue; we start by pointing to objects or people and just name it, the kid starts to repeat it. I think the use of video is the same, it is super interesting and helful for F/SL learners, if it is convenient for their level of their target language, and also if it is interesting for them. The problem for me as a French teacher is how and where to find those videos?

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